Lace and Scraps

My life goal: Never waste fabric. Just kidding I have lots of other goals. However, I don’t think I’ve ever thrown fabric away. I love when I think of something to make out of a left over scrap.  And the best thing ever is when the thing I make ends up being something that I use a lot. I also have an obsession with the remnant bin at my local fabric store. There’s just something about digging through that bin, wondering what rolled up scraps from the end of a bolt of fabric I’ll find. I have found many a treasure in that bin, actually they are what I use for almost all of my embroidery projects! Anyway, I think I’ve made it pretty clear that I make sure to use every last piece of fabric in my possession. So here’s what I did recently:

A couple of weeks ago I posted about a skirt that I refashioned. I decided to use the fabric that I had cut off the bottom of the skirt to make an infinity scarf. It was already a big loop because I had cut it off that way. I picked up some lace and just sewed it along the cut edge.


I love how it turned out, and it’s super cozy! It’s been so cold here so I’ve worn it quite a few times already.  I just have to say, isn’t lace one of the best things ever? I love adding lace to something boring or outdated. It can breathe so much life into any garment. Ever since I made this scarf I’ve been getting a ton of ideas for adding lace to things – I plan to share some in the future 🙂


My Favorite New (Old) Skirt


I just wanted to quickly share my new favorite skirt! The reason I want to share it is because it’s actually an old skirt. It was my Mom’s in the 80’s. Right before Christmas I went through a box of her old clothes from back then and claimed a few things for my myself.  I love skirts and dresses, they’re my favorite thing to wear and I also love things from days gone by. So needless to say, this was an exciting moment for me.



This Knit skirt was actually ankle length to begin with.


All I did was cut it to the length I wanted (plus a seam allowance for the hem) and Hemmed it up using a straight stitch on my sewing machine! It was a little hard to keep the seam straight at times because it is a stretchy knit but I actually really like how the hem ended up looking! A few simple updates here and there and something outdated can easily become something amazing. There’s something about wearing an article of clothing from the past that you’ve refashioned that just feels so good, try it! Seriously it’s awesome. I have plans for more of my Mom’s clothes from another time, and I can’t wait. I have a feeling they will end up being faves….